Wednesday, February 26, 2014




F D Roosevelt (the F D stands for Franklin Delano) was the president who headed the New Deal campaign to get America out of the economic depression the nation had sunk into following the Wall Street Crash. Roosevelt holds the unique distinction of being elected four times by the people of America. Roosevelt's place in American history has been fixed due to the New Deal but also because he rose to the highest position in America despite a crippling illness.
Roosevelt was born in 1882 into a rich family who lived in comfort at Hyde Park, New York State, and at their holiday home at Campobello Island on the north-east coastline of America. While on holiday here, Roosevelt developed a love for the outdoor life. He became a very good swimmer and sailor.
An only child, he was educated at home by a private tutor. When he was fourteen his parents sent him to a private school, Groton, and from here he went to Harvard to study History and Law.
Roosevelt was considered to be an above average student at Harvard but his grades suffered as he spent a great deal of time on extra-curricular activities such as editing the student newspaper. Sport continued to be a passion of his. When he left Harvard in 1904, he had already decided on a career in politics. His distant cousin, Theodore Roosevelt, had become president in 1901.
From Harvard, Roosevelt went to Columbia University Law School. He failed to continue with a law degree and left in 1907  though he had passed state exams allowing him to practice law. Roosevelt joined a law firm in New York City, though it is generally accepted that his heart was never in a career in law.
On March 17th, 1905, Roosevelt married Eleanor Roosevelt, a distant cousin. The president, Theodore Roosevelt, was at the ceremony.
In 1910, Roosevelt campaigned to be Democrat Senator for New York State. He was narrowly elected. In his election campaign, Roosevelt had stressed his support for honest and efficient government.  He was his own man and refused to be bullied by those Democrats in New York City who expected the new Senator to do as they wished. His stand against what was known as the "Tammany Society" made him famous in the state - though his surname certainly helped him to politically advance.
As an example of his political independence, he supported as Democratic nomination for the 1912  presidential election Woodrow Wilson. This was not the choice of New York City's Democrat Party leaders. Roosevelt's position was greatly helped by the fact Wilson won the election and he duly rewarded the New York Senator with the position of Assistant Secretary of the Navy. As a result of this appointment into national politics, Roosevelt had to resign as New York Senator. He also moved to Washington D.C. Ironically, Theodore Roosevelt had once been Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
F D Roosevelt held this position from 1913 to 1920. His superior was Josephus Daniels. Both men clashed at first as both had different ideas on how to develop America's navy. Roosevelt's views found support among the navy's admirals while Daniels found that his views had support in Congress. Regardless of this, both men respected the views of the other and they remained firm friends.
Their working relationship proved to be very effective as both men worked hard. Roosevelt proved his worth when America entered the war in 1917 - the navy was in good shape and the excellent administration in the department was shown when the navy played its part in the complex issue of getting American troops over to Europe. Roosevelt also got on very good terms with the union leaders of the civilian who worked within the naval yards.
He rose to national prominence and in August 1920, Roosevelt campaigned to be the Democrat Party's vice-president. The death of Woodrow Wilson had left the Democrat Party leaderless and in the 1920 election the party's presidential candidate was James Cox. It was natural that Roosevelt would become Cox's "dream ticket" as he had national fame as a good administrator, personal charisma and had worked for Wilson. 
However, the Democrats had also taken America into war and the population turned on the party supporting and electing into the White House Warren Harding, leader of the Republican Party. Though the Democrats lost the campaign, Roosevelt had gained from it as he had crossed America in support of Cox and made many influential friends. At the time of the election defeat, Roosevelt was not even forty years of age.
Roosevelt returned to law in New York City. However, he was hit by polio in August 1921. Roosevelt was effectively paralysed from the waist down. He could only walk using leg braces and walking canes. Regardless of this illness and the impact it had on him, Roosevelt determined to return to work as soon as it was medically possible for him to do so.
Just one year later in 1922, Roosevelt felt well enough to get back into politics when he assisted Alfred Smith become governor of New  York State for the second time. Such was Smith's standing in the Democrat Party, that he became their presidential nomination in 1928. He had been officially  nominated by Roosevelt. Smith gave up the governorship of New York State to campaign nationally and the subsequent gubernatorial election saw Roosevelt elected governor in 1928 though he took up the position in January1929.
Roosevelt made a name for himself by introducing tax relief for farmers in the state; he also did positive work in conservation. He had a natural gift for speaking to people over the radio - he seemed to be the normal man in the street who kept himself in contact with the people rather than a remote politician who hid behind his position and power.
Life in America was turned upside down by the Wall Street Crash of October 1929.
Roosevelt now found that he was the governor of a state where unemployment grew at an unprecedented rate especially in New York City, the home of Wall Street. Breadlines became a common sight in the city as did the "Hoovervilles" - 'cities' of cardboard boxes yet home to those who had been evicted from their homes for non-payment of either rent or mortgage. At this time, New York State was the most populated in America and the impact of the Crash obviously hit the city hard.
1932 was election year in America and Roosevelt fought for the Democratic nomination. The country had clearly had enough of Hoover's "too little too late" policies. However, Roosevelt was by no means the automatic choice for the Democrats and it was not until the fourth ballot at the party's national convention, that Roosevelt secured the party's support. In his speech of acceptance in Chicago, Roosevelt, for the first time in public, used the phrase "New Deal" in that he offered a new deal for the public who had been hit so hard by the Depression.
Roosevelt making his acceptance speech
The 1932 election was easy for Roosevelt. The Republicans were in disarray and their handling of the Depression was not going to win them much support. The Republicans had taken the credit for the "Roaring Twenties", now they had to take the blame for the Depression. Of the 48 states that existed in 1932, 42 gave their support to Roosevelt. He took office in March 1933 and immediately launched into his New Deal for America.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

langkah-langkah membuat desain brosur sederhana pada corel draw

1. Buka corel draw (untuk file *.cdr pada tutorial ini saya simpan pada versi X3). tak masalah jika anda masih menggunakan versi dibawahnya, anda bisa membuat desain sendiri dengan mengikuti langkah-langkahnya, tanpa harus download hasil file *.cdr nya.

2. Sebelum membuat desain, atur dahulu ukuran halaman yang digunakan yaitu 30cm x 20 cm

3. buatlah kotak dengan "rectangle tool". untuk pertama kali membuatnya, buatlah dengan ukuran sembarang, kemudian kita atur lagi melalui property bar.

4. Kemudian beri warna dasar untuk background, terserah warna apa yang anda sukai.

5. Selanjutnya buatlah kotak dengan ukuran agak kecil, tempatkan pada sudut kanan atas, nanti kita akan buat sedikit desain dengan bantual kotak ini, lihat gambar dibawah:

6. Supaya gambar kotak tersebut dapat kita modifikasi menjadi bentuk yang lain, klik kanan pada kotak tersebut, kemudian pilih "convert to curves":

7. Setelah itu anda dapat mengubah bentuk gambar dengan "shape tool" ambil di tool box, biasanya letaknya dibawah pick tool. Misalnya menjadi bentuk seperti ini:

8. Kemudian, bisa kita ubah menjadi bentuk lengkung sesuai kreasi anda, caranya klik kanan pada garis yang akan dibuat lengkung dengan "shape tool" kemudian pilih "to curve"

9. Setelah itu anda bisa membuat bentuk lengkung misalnya seperti gambar berikut ini, caranya anda klik pada garisnya dengan shape tool, kemudian tarik kearah mana lengkungan yang anda inginkan.

10. Atur garis yang lain menjadi seperti ini:

11. Kemudian berilah warna yang sesuai, misalnya saja saya beri warna hijau. Tambahkan sedikit desain baru, kita gunakan tool yang lain, kali ini menggunakan "bezier tool"

12. Penggunaan bezier tool. adalah dengan klik pada suatu titik, kemudian klik pada titik yang lain dan seterusnya, kembali klik pada titik awal jika anda menginginkan sebuah bangun tertutup. Dalam contoh ini kita buat saja seperti ini:

13. Kemudian atur menggunakan shape tool menjadi bentuk sperti ini:

14. Setelah itu beri warna yang berbeda, misalnya saja warna orange. Maka otomatis akan menutupi desain yang sebelumnya tadi, pindah ke belakang satu layer, caranya tekan tombol "Ctrl+Page Down". sehingga tampak seperti ini:

15. Selanjutnya kita akan memasukkan gambar kue, ke desain tadi, siapkan gambar yang sesuai, dengan ukuran kira-kira lebih besar sedikit:

16. Supaya memiliki kesan yang lebih bagus, atur transparansinya dengan transparency tool:

17. pilih mode transparan yang sesuai, misal linear

18. Lihat hasilnya:

19. Ok setelah itu kita kan memasukkan gambar yang sudah kita atur transparansinya ke dalam desain berwarna hijau. Klik gambar yanga akan dimasukkan (gambar kue transparan), kemudian klik menu "effect", pilih "powerclip", pilih "place inside container". kemudian klik pada area desain berwarna hijau.

20. hasilnya kemungkinan seperti ini:

tampak lucu sekali, agak kurang bagus, karena tampak potongan gambar. untuk memperbaiki posisinya, klik menu effect-powerclip-edit content. Setelah itu atur posisinya seperti ini:

Jika dirasa sudah selesai, maka klik "finish editing object" yang berada dibagian bawah layar:

Sekarang lihat gambar berikut ini, sudah lebih cantik daripada yang pertama tadi kan setelah kita dandani?

21. Tambahkan desan untuk bagian bawah

22. Kemudian mulailah mengisi konten apa saja yang akan dimasukkan

23. Anda bisa lengkapi dengan isi yang lain, sesuai kebutuhan dan konsep yang anda miliki

langkah-langkah membuat desain kartu nama yang unik pada corel draw

1. BukaCoreldraw - New - Buatlah kotak menggunakan Rectangle Tool dengan ukuran 9 x 5,5 cm (salah satu ukuran standart kartu nama)

Kotak dengan ukuran 9 cm x 5,5 cm

2. Klik pada objek kotak menggunakan Pen Tool kemudian perhatikan properti bar diatas,Pada propertis Corner Roundness ganti 0 menjadi 5 yang bertujuan agar sisi pojok pada kotak agar lebih melengkung…

Properties Pen Tool

3. Klik Fill Tool - Pilih Fountain Fill Dialog (menberikan warna gradient pada objek)

Setelah itu Muncul Panel seperti berikut:

Pengaturan Fountain Fill

Ganti beberapa propertis yang diberi tanda diatas :

- Type : Gradient

- Angle : -90

- From : Blue

- To : Cyan

- Tekan tombol OK

4. Butlah persegi panjang (kotak dengan garis kuning) dengan menggunakan BEZIER TOOL, Sehingga membentuk objek seperti gambar dibawah ini:

5. Klil Pada SHAPE TOOL kemudian Blok Objek (1) > KLIK KANAN – TO CURVE (agar garis tersebut dapat dilengkungkan)

6. Tarik Garis Lurus tersebut hingga melengkung sesuai dengan keinginan anda

Beri warna pada objek tersebut sesuai keingginan anda kemudian...

7. Pilih INTERACTIVE TRANSPARENCY TOOL untuk memberikan efek transparan pada objek (1)

8. Klik pada Objek 1 kemudian Tarik Garis hingga membentuk transparansi objek seperti dibawah ini:

9. Kemudian buat 2 garis Lurus menggunakan BEZIER TOOL seperti gambar dibawah dan ulang efek seperti langkah di atas..

10. Terakhir tambahkan Teks sesuai dengan apa yang ingin anda isikan dalam kartu nama tersebut..hingga menjadi kartu nama yang simpel tp bermutu..

Ini adalah salah satu contoh, namun Anda bisa berimprovisasi sendiri:

langka-langkah membuat undangan yang unik pada corel draw

membuat desain undangan unik nan indah dengan corel draw

Pertama-tama kita membuat kotak merah

Lalu dari kotak itu tekan CTRL+C lalu dilanjutkan CTRL+V yang dimaksudkan mengkopi bangun itu di tempat yang sama. Warnai kotak kedua dengan warna kuning.

Selanjutnya tekan CTRL+Q untuk mengubah objek kotak itu menjadi vector.
Tekan F10 untuk shape tool. Bengkokkan tengah garis ke bawah.

Lalu tekan F11 dan akan muncul panel Fountain Fill

Kolom type linear diganti dengan conical dan pilih custom

Mulanya, kolom bagian pewarnaan ada 2 saja antara putih dan hitam. Tapi langsung klik 2X pada segitiga di bagian  pewarnaan untuk menambah pewarnaan. Terus pada kotak siluet itu pada mulanya di tengah, seret sendiri ke kanan bawah seperti gambar diatas.
Hasil akan tampak seperti dibawah :

Lalu samarkan dengan transparancy tool

Hasil tampak seperti dibawah :

Lalu buat bangun bintang dengan menu complex star tool

Lalu tarik complek star itu ke kanan dengan menu interaktiv distortion tool

Dan warnai hitam untuk sementara. Copy menjadi 4 yang bersinggungan dan kasih efek transparan dengan interaktive transparancy tool dari kanan ke kiri. Seperti pada gambar dibawah :

Lalu masukkan ke kotak merah yang tadi dengan menu effect => power clip => place inside container

Hasil akan tampak seperti gambar bawah :

Klik kanan pada gambar lalu edit content

Tarik ke kanan atas dan warnai putih. Setelah itu klik kanan lagi, pilih finish edit.
Dan kalau digabungkan dengan pembuatan garis pelangi yang tadi akan tampak seperti dibawah :

Perlu diingat, bangun lengkung pelangi harus berada diatas kotak yang telah diisi dengan motif bunga.
Setelah itu masukkan gambar pengantin yang saya sediakan untuk didownload.

Nah, dari sini kasih background sinar pada gambar pengantin itu dengan tool interactive drop shadow tool. Lihat gambar bawah

Tinggal kasih tulisan dech….

Desain Undangan